Nicholas Choong
sembilan's Foreword
Nicky grew up with art and music. He studied drawing, water colours, woodcarving and collage making at an early age. When he started working in the mid-90s, he developed further skills in music, entertainment, photography and graphic design.
After an illustrious career in the music industry as a DJ, he started to focus on developing his artistic talent in 2011. This was a timely change as it also allowed him to manage family life by working from home and spending time with his son.
“It is never easy for one to follow his/her internal path. But if there’s a will, there’s a way”.
Nicky’s art works now grace the galleries and homes of private collectors all over the world. To name a few – London, Germany, Italy, New York, Singapore, South Korea, and of course, Malaysia.Q&A
1) Rewinding back in time, can you please talk about how you got started in art?
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2) What led you to sembilan and where were you in your art career at that time?
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3) What were your expectations prior to joining and were your expectations met?
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4) Would you join (or have you joined) any other art residencies since - who, where, when?
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5) What would be your advice to an artist who is considering to join an art residency program?
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6) In relation to the entire art ecosystem, are art residencies important and why?
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7) Finally, where are you at with your art career at the moment and what's next for you?
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sembilan Art Residency Program © 2021