Jaël Estrella
sembilan's Foreword
Jaël Estrella derives great satisfaction in providing her viewers with an explosive visual experience of her exploration in non-figurative art. Her work, mostly known for its beauty in balance and symmetry, draws inspiration from the greatest artist of all - Mother Nature.
Jaël observes that all of man's aesthetically appealing creations can be traced back to a natural source - be it the steady crouch of a stalking jaguar or the simplicity of a single blade of grass. Her works therefore reflects her perception of nature's intricate patterns, shapes, forms and colours.
In the journey of completing each of her art piece, she often leaves ample time and space for reflection and improvisation. This enables her to give each work a natural form of progression as she gradually layers strokes, texture, drips and blends towards arriving at its final form. Jaël's work often incorporates acrylic, ink, watercolour and even collages.Q&A
1) Rewinding back in time, can you please talk about how you got started in art?
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2) What led you to sembilan and where were you in your art career at that time?
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3) What were your expectations prior to joining and were your expectations met?
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4) Would you join (or have you joined) any other art residencies since - who, where, when?
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5) What would be your advice to an artist who is considering to join an art residency program?
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6) In relation to the entire art ecosystem, are art residencies important and why?
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7) Finally, where are you at with your art career at the moment and what's next for you?
[Artist to provide text]
sembilan Art Residency Program © 2021